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My Portfolio


TL;DR “SECRET PALADIN” an RPG game to bring more awareness about Cyberbullying while having fun! This game was made within a week & it went on to win multiple awards during the 2016 Splash Awards hosted by the Singapore Computer Society.

In the year 2016, Singapore Computer Society organised Splash Awards with the theme “Cyber Wellness”. Cyberbullying which led to self-harm among youngsters were on the rise. It was an alarming issue which was then covered by Straits Times.

During this competition, my team had a magnificent triumph during the competition. We had won 1st Runner Up spot on Mobile Game Award while also managing to clinch 2nd Runner Up in the overall Tertiary Category.

Wondering why I am not in the picture? During this point of the competition, I was also writing my ongoing semester’s final paper! Till today, I can easily remember the adrenaline rush I had at this point. Managing school while also focusing on the projects, fun times! (Don’t worry I didn’t flunk my exams) (Link to post)

Secret Paladin, a simple & intuitive RPG game which focuses on teaching the aftereffects of Cyberbullying while having fun! The world in the game was immersive! It had Towns, Townspeople, Dungeons, Boss & many more.

The game was made using RPG Game Maker. With this simple tool, we were able to develop the game! It was simple to code as it mainly was drag and drop with if else conditions. As programming students, it was easy for us to pick up the necessary skills to develop the game!

The game was in its early development stages as we only had 1 week to complete it. (Competition’s duration)

It was a pleasant experience developing the game! This is the very first game I had ever developed with my friends! Link to the game can be found below. The game has only been tested on Android Phones. Do note that when downloading, there would warning of unknown file type (that’s what I have encountered). It is because it is an apk file from Cordova.

Link to Application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QCkxU5AlhxE8A0mkvJXFqzvY6mUe4gGk/view?usp=drive_open

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