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My Portfolio


Students in Singapore face immense pressure to “excel” in school from their fellow classmates, friends, and their family members. While having many things to juggle, they still have to attend CCAs, remedials and even private tuition. With their tight schedule, students tend to forget about their homework and other assignments.

Homework Manager is an application designed to provide excellent work management for these students. It aims students having difficulties coping with their tight schedule, acting as a reminder of the things they must either complete or attend.

What does my app look like?

Unique Features:

  • Notification
    • Acts as a reminder for the user
  • Bottom Tab Navigation
    • Simple interface, the users already know how to use it
  • Different kind of icons available
    • Indicating priority level of each work indicated
  • Calendar View
    • Provide an easier way to view due dates of pending works
  • SQLite Database
    • Storing of Information

Competitor Analysis:

Application Name: Student Agenda

Unique Features:

  • Priority Setting
  • Marks, Exam Section
  • Task Completion Rate, Slider to indicate from 0% – 100%

Problems encountered:

  • Unable to set more than 1 reminder
  • Limited Subject Code
  • Doesn’t has a Delete Task option

The shortcomings of Homework Manager:

  • UI not at it’s finest
  • Unable to share information across multiple devices nor different platforms
  • Calendar view could have used other UI templates to make it look better (UI aspects)

Future Opportunities:

  • Making it live, accessible across multiple platforms and devices
  • More advanced Calendar View
  • Further improvement to the UI.

Link to application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k6rTEoecYd39Mz_04NlD1LA1Xf-p0i1K/view?usp=sharing

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